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Il respiro VITALE

Writer's picture: B WildeB Wilde

È semplice come respirare, così semplice che ci siamo dimenticati di quanto questa attività sia importante per noi.

Il respiro ci dice che siamo VIVI, eppure è l'ultimo dei nostri pensieri.Per iniziare ad avere una buona sintonia con noi stessi, occorre imparare ad ascoltare il proprio respiro, sincronizzarci con lui in tutte le nostre attività quotidiane. 

Ascoltare il nostro respiro ci porta al qui e ora, e questo ci rende consapevoli del momento che stiamo vivendo.

Per iniziare vi suggerisco un esercizio da fare in qualunque momento della giornata: distendetevi, chiudete gli occhi e con la mente concentratevi sull'ascolto dei rumori prodotti dalla respirazione, per almeno 5 minuti.

Provate ad elaborare mentalmente le sensazioni suscitate da questo esercizio, sentitevi liberi di condividerle con noi.

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Breathing: A Simple Yet Powerful Practice for Inner Harmony

Breathing is as simple as it is essential—so natural, in fact, that we often forget just how vital it is to our well-being. Each breath we take is a reminder that we are alive, yet breathing is usually the last thing on our minds. By reconnecting with our breath, we can create a deeper sense of harmony within ourselves, beginning a journey of self-awareness that enriches our daily lives.

To start building this connection, it’s important to learn to listen to your own breath and synchronise with it throughout your daily activities. Becoming attuned to our breathing brings us into the here and now, helping us to become aware of the present moment and feel more grounded in our experience.

A Simple Exercise to Connect with Your Breath

To begin, try this simple breathing exercise that you can practise at any point in the day:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can lie down comfortably.

  2. Close your eyes and allow yourself to relax.

  3. Focus your attention on the sound and rhythm of your breathing. Listen closely to the sensations it creates within you.

  4. Remain in this state for at least five minutes, simply observing your breath without trying to change it.

As you practise, mentally note the sensations that arise. This exercise helps bring awareness to your breathing, enhancing your ability to stay present and calm in daily life.

Feel free to share your reflections on this experience with us. We welcome your thoughts and are here to support you on your path to a more centred and conscious way of living.


B. Wilde

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